What is Jensen Inequality?
Jensen Inequality states that if f(.)
is a convex function and x
is a random variable, then
This explains why non-linear instruments and options have inherent value.
A Short Example
When you roll a die and square the number of spots, you will win the specified amount of money. In this exercise, f(x)
represents , a convex function.
E[f(x)] = 1 + 2 + 9 + 16 + 25 + 36 = 91
divided by 6
, resulting in 15 1/6
. E[x] = 3 1/2
, hence f(E[x]) = 12 1/4
A Deep Dive into Jensen Inequality
A function f (ยท)
is convex on an interval if for every x
and y
in that interval
For every . This means that the line connecting points
(x, f (x)) and (y, f (y))
is not lower than the curve. (Concave is the reverse of convex, therefore -f is convex.)
Jensen’s inequality and convexity help explain how unpredictability in stock prices affects the value of options, which are often convex.
Assuming a random stock price S
, we can calculate the value of an option with payment P(S)
. We may calculate the expected stock price at expiration and the payment
. Alternatively, we can analyse the option payoffs and determine the expected payoff as
. The accurate option valuation method is based on the risk-neutral stock price. If payoff is convex,
Using a Taylor series approximation around mean of S, we can estimate the difference between the left and right sides. Write
where . Then,
Therefore the left-hand side is greater than the right by approximately
This shows the importance of two concepts
: Convexity of an option. Typically, this increases the value of a choice. Understanding linear contracts (forwards and futures) may not be applicable to non-linear products like options.
: Randomness in the underlying and its variability. Modelling unpredictability is crucial for modelling alternatives.
When a contract contains convexity in a random variable or parameter, pricing should account for it. Identifying the level of convexity and unpredictability is necessary for accurate results.
Related Readings
- Modern Portfolio Theory in Finance
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